

Interested in being an usher for First Presbyterian worship services? Two ushers are needed for each service. All are invited to usher, you do not need to be a Deacon or Elder.

Updated instructions for the Ushers are located in the narthex in the chest to the right of the door in the drawer. Please carefully review.

Thank you!

Questions? Call or text Cindy Wise 704-699-5085

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Lay Liturgists

Interested in being a Lay Reader to read scripture for First Presbyterian worship services? Sign up here to read scripture for our 11:00 o’clock worship service. As a lay reader, you are helping to offer a short “Prayer for Illumination,” asking the Holy Spirit to bless and illumine the reading that day, and then reading the first lesson (chosen by one of our ministers). You will receive an email the week you are signed up which will include all necessary information for your prayer and reading that week.

Thank you for sharing in this ministry of the church!

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Sanctuary Flowers

Flowers in the sanctuary beautify our worship space and elevate our spirit of praise. To give the congregation a gift of sanctuary flowers, please sign up below for one or more Sundays during the year.  Orders for arrangements can be made by donors directly with a local florist, or members can design their own arrangements. Please note that the church office is not responsible for placing orders with florists.

To maintain proper size, urns are available at the church for sanctuary arrangements. Note that on communion Sundays (typically the first Sunday of the month), two smaller side arrangements are used in lieu of the central one used on other Sundays.

Because the baptismal font and the Lord’s Table are important symbols of the faith, they should not be removed from the chancel. No flowers, candles or other objects shall be placed on the Lord’s Table or in the baptismal font; however, a pedestal can be placed directly behind the Lord’s Table to support flower arrangement.

The size of a flower arrangement should never obscure the view of the chancel cross from the pews.

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Event Registration