The Presbyterian Women’s Backpack Program serves 20 families at Coltrane Webb Elementary School. Every school month our congregation collects specific items to fill a large bag of food to feed a family of four. A Food Lion gift card is also given to each family. Special bags are assembled on holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. The program is successful because of the generous members of our church. First Kids also participates while celebrating their 100th day of school.
Our monthly Noisy Offering goes to the Backpack Program, but that does not cover all the cost, and monetary donations are always welcome. You can donate via a check designated to the Backpack Program and placed in the offering plate on Sunday morning, or anytime during the week through the church’s online giving page. In addition, we accept donations of non-perishable food items that you can leave in a container that is located just inside the back door of the Fellowship House.