In connection with the development of this website, we asked our graphic designers to help us imagine a new logo for church signage, correspondence, newsletters, social media, and other uses. While the first few proposals were clean and attractive, they just did not seem to fit our congregation. Then, while helping to lead worship in our sanctuary, Associate Pastor Rachel Vogado happened to glance over at the distinctive crosses that grace the front of the needlepoint cushions on the chancel bench. Decades ago, a faithful group of women from our congregation spent countless hours envisioning and stitching these cushions as a gift to the church. Coordinated by Puddin Foil on her own dining room table, the labor of these generous and talented women created a beautiful and lasting legacy that beautifies our worship space to this day. While larger Christian and biblical symbols adorn the main panels, Rachel’s eye was drawn to the simple but elegant pattern that recurs around the edges. The green cross, framed by a maroon quatrefoil, seemed to combine perfectly both the strong history and the bright future of our congregation.
When we shared this moment of inspiration with our design team, they were quickly able to create this image, which has been instantly embraced by our officers and congregation. Every time we see this logo, we are reminded of the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit, who continues to guide us and surround us with “so great a cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1).