Our Staff & Leadership

Ellen Crawford True

Ellen Crawford True

Senior Pastor/Head of Staff

casey aldridge

Casey Aldridge

Associate Pastor

Rene Prager

René Prager

Director of Christian Education

Bryan headshot

Bryan Hovey

Parish Associate

Jacqueline Yost

Jacqueline Yost

Director of Music/Organist

Jeffrey Price

Jeffrey Price


Suzanne Russell

Suzanne Russell

Church Administrator

Kim Mazzola

Kim Mazzola

Financial Administrative Assistant


Heath Ritchie

Maintenance Superintendent

Maureen O'Bryan

Maureen O’Bryan

Director of First Kids Preschool



Amy Woolwine

Administration & Personnel

Janna Mitchell
Nicki Bryant

Buildings & Grounds

Kevin Barbee
Marc Niblock
Dave Rogers
JIm Wall
Mary Beth Griffin
Kimberly Leatherman

Christian Education & Technology

Bill Cochran
Thomas Moore
Scott Sherrill
Kathryn Monroe

Finance & Stewardship

Susan Brooks
Gray Bullard
Lori Clay
Mary Margaret Underwood

Worship & Music

Margaret HIllman
Cathy FLoyd
Harold Cline
Elly Steel



Elizabeth Anne Dover Bishop

Congregational Care

Nancy Rotan, Chair
Kirby Bullard
Elizabeth Ann Dover Bishop
Ginny Hoover
Mary Ingram
Ashlyn Dempsey
Loretta Coltrane


Betsy Morrison, Co-Chair
Cindy Wise, Co-Chair
Tricia Austin
Jonathan Ewart
Bob Underwood
Harold Thomas


John Benbow, Co- Chair
Kay Wall, Co-Chair
Susan Simpson
Julianna WIllis
Carol Lacy
Porter Peterson
Bill Poitevint

Commons Prayer Room

Jonathan Ewart, Chair
Harold Thomas
BIll Poitevint

Racial Equity

Carol Lacy
Cindy Wise
Ashlyn Dempsey